Government Taxes Essay

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Government Taxes It is not the brightest idea to raise taxes for an already sluggish economy. It can only have negative effects on growth, investment and job creation. Taxes lead the list of many issues that need resolution in our society today. If action is not taken we will see higher personal taxes, higher taxes on capital and on estates. GDP will be affected because the supply of a product will go down and the demand may get higher. That is not a good situation. It could also happen that the demand for something will be so great that the company will not be able to keep up with its supply. Taxation is one of the ways in which government can gain financing to fund projects geared towards provision of services to its populations. Taxes imposed on people have direct effects on the amount of money they are left with to spend, their savings and investments that they can make. Governments to correct income redistribution mistakes can also use taxes. Tax policies also contribute to attracting or scaring away external investors to an economy. The policies also have an effect on the gross domestic product of a nation. Taxes in their basic form are a major source of revenue for most governments. The government determines the sources of tax revenue and their relative contributions by individual members of a country. Different issues of distributional effects, economic efficiency and the practical ways of administering tax are always addressed by different tax policies that are implemented by governments. There is no real level of taxation. However, taxes influence incentives and thus the behavior of economic actors and the competitiveness of an economy. The level of taxation is measured by tax revenue as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP). Investors wishing to put up their investments in a country or region must first determine the effect of tax policy of

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