Government Role in Health Care

462 Words2 Pages
Simona Goss July 15, 2013 Government plays an important role in out health care system. Government is responsible for delivering and regulating, aide, and other aspects that benefit four our well being. They pass laws such as the affordable care act and make sure that care providers are in line with the regulations set by state and federal government. Some of the roles and Federal government will have in the health care system are delivery of health care, and delivery and regulating of health care, and also the financial aspect of it ( Yesalis, Holt, & Politzer, 2012, p. 74). The federal government also operates facilities for American Indians, individuals and their families in the service (army, Navy, Air forces, etc.). Veterans, and those who have federally qualified health care plans. When a privately owned health care facility is disregarding health and safety regulations, the federal government has the right to intervene. Any other time there is a threat to out safety and welfare of the citizens the federal government can interject as well. The state government also has many roles in the health care system. These roles may be more apparent because they are more localized and based upon state laws. Things such as regulating and licensing, mental health services, keeping track of vital stats like birth rate and death rate, and many more. The government roles, both federal and state, and a big impact on the stability of our health care system. They can strengthen the health care system by uniting rules and regulations and patients have peace of mind knowing that the health care providers are all held to the same standard. The funding from federal grants and allow facilities the ability to purchase products and services to better help that patients. This type of funding is far larger than private funding ((Stribley, Egbuono-davis, & Fristz,

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