Google : New-Product Innovation at the Speed of Light.

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MALAYAN UNIVERSITY Case study : Google : New-Product Innovation at the Speed of Light. Group : 6B | No. | Name | Matrix Number | 1. | Loo Adrian | CEA130050 | 2. | Lim Sin Pei | CEA130043 | 3. | Nur Hasfaiza bt Mohd Zaid | CEA130063 | 4. | Shah Irwan bin Mohd Noor Sham Kunusagaran | CEA130077 | 5. | Loh Wei Lun | CEA130048 | Introduction Google Inc. is one of the five most popular websites in the world. Google is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the web based on what you type on the keyboard. Google also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogues, videos, news items not forgetting cloud computing and also online advertising technologies. For your information, most of its profits are derived from AdWords which offers pay-per-click, that is, cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, cost-per-thousand-impressions or cost-per-mille (CPM) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for text, banner, and rich-media ads. In a nutshell, this extraordinary company is an American multinational company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at the University of Stanford. They collaborated and worked on a search engine called "Backrub." The name came from the search engine's use of back-links to determine page relevance. This is a patented algorithm known as PageRank. Brin and Page left Stanford and founded Google Inc. in September of 1998. During the 4th of September, they incorporated Google as a closed company. By the year 2000, Google was the world's widest and largest search engine. By 2001 it did something that eluded most of the business start-ups of the time. Google became profitable. . The organization’s mission from the outset was "to organize the

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