Google Making Us Stupid

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Nicholas Carr's article "Is Google Making us Stupid?" explores the social and cognitive effects of the internet on the twenty first century. By his interpretation, the internet has had a positive impact on civilization, especially academia as "research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes" (para. 3). The internet also serves as a boon to literacy rates as "we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s" as more people choose to use the text based internet. Carr also serves the warning of Plato, that as more people rely on the internet as their source of information, they “cease to exercise their memory and become forgetful" (para. 31). He further bemoans the development of the internet as a central aspect of our education, quoting that "' we become like pancake people, spread wide and thin"' coldly lacking any real understanding. Writer Nicholas Carr makes an interesting plea in “Is Google Making Us Stupid” against society’s growing dependence upon the internet as a source of information; although he rejects a centerpiece of twenty-first century culture his article serves as a respectable admonition of the long term effects that the internet has on cognition. The mainstay of the internet’s benefit to society is its universal accessibility and dissemination of knowledge. However, because all knowledge is available at all times, the twenty-first century mind has become a warehouse of useless information, rather than a place of understanding. As one enters, as Carr puts it, “Google’s universe” seemingly every pixel of the screen becomes a portal to “related information”. What once was a tool to expedite the user’s time on the web has become the business model of the internet. Every time one goes to a new piece of information there becomes an opportunity fo the provider to make money, so the

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