Good Boss Verses Bad Boss

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Good Boss vs. Bad Boss Choosing to be a good boss or bad boss is an ownership of a choice. The responsibility of having authority over others, taken seriously or carelessly, has much to do with the type of leadership that manifests itself by productivity of peers or team members. Earning the respect or disrespect of others by the example set in front of them, is a product of these choices. Looking back to the years spent as a general aviation ramp supervisor, reminds me of a few experiences that stood out to me. Watching the interactions of the team members on the ramp would depend, which bosses were on duty that day. Brian and I set an example by not being afraid to get our hands dirty. The operation manager instructed all supervisors not to pitch in on the work, but only supervise the team members. After the meeting agreement made to produce a tight well operating team by means of not asking them to do anything we ourselves would not be willing to do, is the best approach to reach the goal of a great team. Taking my children out to see the jets at the airport on my days off is great family time. On one of those enjoyed days, we observed team members jumping and racing the golf carts use to transport customers to and from their million dollar aircraft. Calling the supervisor on duty and sharing this lack of self-control of his team members was well received and dealt with promptly. My operations manager called me into the office on my next day at work. He thanked me and shared how he sees the difference in the teams. He offered me the position as the base trainer and two more dollars on the hour. Hard work and giving purpose to others around me has always paid off in a positive manner. Still wondering if telling the other supervisor was the correct choice to make; even on my day off was a leadership decision. Leadership used to benefit all

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