Good And Bad Website Design

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Good and bad web design When making website pages, the first thing you need to think about is the purpose of the site. When it is needed to sell something then website should be very easy to understand. The navigation has to be easily understandable to the user. It is important because when the user wants to buy something he does not want to learn about, how to do this, the main thing for the user is possibility to find and buy the product easily. Advertising website should be very well designed. It has to be designed by a person with good taste. When the user will use this website it will be a pleasure to see well designed features on the page. Advertisement should not be annoying. For example flashing or moving boxes or eye scratching colours are not welcome. When a company is offering services, then web pages should consist of advertisement and easy-understanding navigation system. In general, all websites should be presented operatively. The structure has to be well drawn up. Navigation has to be simplified but must include all necessary information. [pic] Webpages – bad design: (picture above) Why this website is bad ? Purpose Purpose of this site is to sell thoroughbred dogs. But when you first see this page, you can not understand what this is about. Words are unreadable. Background Background picture is disturbing when reading text. That interrupts to find information you need. Also background picture graphic is very bad. Text Text on this webpage is of different colours and sizes. That makes a huge mess and misunderstanding. At least underlined texts are the links to other pages. Some text is written OVER other text. This is not readable at all. Animation Moving leafs what are falling down are very annoying. This animation never stops. Also

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