Going to the Mall on Sunday a Nightmare

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Going to the Mall on Sunday A nightmare Do you like spending your time in the Malls? But you haven’t been there on Sunday? Then don’t do it. Visiting Malls on Sundays will make you feel nervous and you will regret that you spend your day there because of the traffic, the teenagers and the noise that people make. To begin with something that will make you feel nervous from the beginning of your “trip” in the Mall is the traffic you will find in your war there. You will lose a lot of time on the road until you arrive to your destination. After that you will realize that the parking there is full and that there isn’t place for your car, so you have to drive around until you find a parking. The worst part with parking is when you are not patient enough, then you have to park a mile away from the Mall and then walk back. Secondly, when you finally would be in the Mall you will realize that it is full of pesky teenagers. Teenagers that are screaming near you because they want you to pay them attention. Moreover if you will go to the cinema they would be there and they would be pushing you until you get your ticket, or they are just running up and down in the cinema’s halls. But the worst part with them is that they usually falling you by accident with their snacks or their drinks. This is the moment when you think “I am will kill this child right now” For the end, the worst thing in the Malls on Sundays is the noise that people do. There is everywhere a person who is doing some noise. First of all you will hear a lot of babies crying, moreover you will see mothers screaming and running behind of their children and also the teenagers which are a factory of noise, they are the most noisy category in the Malls in Sundays. In conclusion, I want to ask you really want to visit Mall on Sunday? And of course, if you can face

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