Goals in the Criminal Justice System

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Goals of the Criminal Justice System Do you think your local law enforcement agencies are a joke? Almost more than half of a community’s population thinks that their law enforcement agencies are a joke. Why this is some people ask? Because the community thinks that police officers are out to get them and ruin their life. When the truth is that they are just trying to keep you and the community safe. In this paper I’m going to discuss a few goals that the Criminal Justice System has to help make the world a safer place to live in. The main goal in the system is to protect the community. This can be some of the supporting information that people will use to try to say that local agencies are out to get them because they really don’t care about the community. Well I’m here to tell you that Police Officers do care because they are not working for the money as they don’t get paid enough for risking their life everyday to community a safe place. Some of the ways agencies need to help maintain a safe community is to patrol the towns or suburbs to help control the crime activity. Another big part to help the local agencies in having a safe community is an active community. The help of the community in watching over the town can help police officers work on other tasks and patrol other parts of the town that are needing more attention than other parts of the town. As the local agencies try their hardest to help you live in a better place you should at least pay some respect and support the agency in any way you can. When agencies do make arrests in the community’s the main goal is to make them pay for the action that they have conducted. This is when the Corrections System of the Criminal Justice System picks up and is ready to punish the offender whether it be time in jail which is time served less than a year, prison which is time served anything over a year,

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