Globalization's Positive And Negative Aspects

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Globalization’s Positive and Negative: Globalization has positive and negative aspects. On top of its positive aspects comes the tremendous development of new information and communication technology. This progress helped bring the various parts of the world closer and disseminate knowledge particularly through the Internet which created a new and open world, a world with unified feelings and with increasingly closer cultures and interacting civilizations. However, globalization was planned in a rush. It is a momentous phenomenon indeed. Was it acceptable to leave its handling to large capital and international financial organizations, created to serve capitalism and provide conditions for its limitless movement around the world? This has become a reality in which the shaping of globalization is being dominated by the financial dimension. Even the economic dimension was less important than the financial one. Political, cultural and intellectual considerations are subordinate elements that will eventually melt down into the financial and economic dimensions. All this raises fears that other decisive mutations will take place, change the face of the world and severe all links with the past. Modern states that have no ancient civilization, do not fear for their identity nor for their civilization, because they are new ones with no legacy, no heritage and no prosperous history to be proud of and to build on to engage in the future. These fears are not specific to the South. Some countries of the North, are also aware of such threats, based on their attachment to the principles of homeland, borders, nationalism, the flag, the national anthem, history and national sovereignty. These countries’ fear is also nurtured by their pride of their nations’ role and concern to see themselves swallowed by globalization , a globalization whereby the strong dominates

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