Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms

500 Words2 Pages
Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Hard and Soft currencies are topic of discussion within this document. Currency is useful when purchasing items. Various types of currency exist like paper, coin, miscellaneous items, or any other item that has value to the purchaser (bartering). Global financing operations and risk management methods are within. Hard Currency Hard currency refers to a commodity that proves to be reliable, stable, and has value to others. Determining factors of hard or soft currency include political solidity, low inflation, reliable monetary, fiscal policies, support of precious metals, and long-term stable appraisal against other countries. Countries that possess hard currencies are stronger and more powerful than those with soft currencies. Hard currency is a commodity that Countries consider an honor to possess because of the strength it adds to the economy. Acquiring a hard currency status means that the country is strong economically, has a stable government, and a powerful military. Soft Currency Soft currencies are not as prominent nor do they possess the power and strength of hard currency. Soft currencies depreciate in comparison with other currencies. Soft currencies are often the result of high inflation rates. Soft currencies are not acceptable for worldwide trading because of unrealistic exchange rates. Soft currency is most often seen in new countries just establishing a government. Accepting soft currency in exchange for goods or services is risky because the value of soft currency can decrease suddenly. How Hard and Soft Currencies are Used Globally Exchanging globally, soft currencies have no value and hard currencies also known as strong currencies exchange easily for bartering of goods and services. The most common strong currency is the United States dollar. Countries welcome trade with countries
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