Give a Descriptive Explanation of the Emergence and Development of Sociology and Indicate Its Challenges as a Science.

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Sociology is a discipline whose importance to society has gained massive recognition over the past century. This essay is an attempt to explain the emergency and development of sociology and to outline its challenges it encounters as a social science. It will begin by defining the key concepts such as sociology with reference to various prominent sociologists across the world and a conclusion will be drawn at the end. The term sociology was first coined in the 19th century by a the French classical thinker known as Auguste Comte. Nobbs,, (1978) Comte had earlier used the term ‘social physics’ but it was appropriated notably, by Adolphae Quetelet. Although Comte was regarded as the first sociologist, the discipline was more firmly established by theorists like Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber. Ibid. According to the Comte, sociology is the study of social dynamics and social static, the former signifying the changing, progressing and developmental dimensions of society while the latter refers to the social order and those elements of society and social phenomena which tend to persist and relatively permanent and defying change. He argued that the new science of society could and should make critical contribution towards a new and improved society. According to Joan Ferrante(2011:4) sociology refers to the study of social forces that affect human behaviour and thought including the things people do with and to one another. More specifically, it is the study of the social forces that affect human behaviour and thought, including the things people do with and to one another. Team of experts(2000) states that it is a social science which studies the processes, patterns of human individual and group interaction, the forms of organisation of social groups, the relationship among them, group influences on individual and vice versa as well as the interaction between

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