Gilgamesh and Enkidu

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Abstract The similarities between Gilgamesh and Endkidu are the same characteristics that create their differences. These are their purpose of being created, and their qualities of being human. The significance of the similarities and differences between these two characters is that they were created to be each other’s equal on purpose. They were created to balance each other out. Both were made in the image of the gods–Gilgamesh 2/3 gods and 1/3 human obtaining beauty and strength, while Enkidu was made to be the equal of Gilgamesh. Enkidu was more rugged, strong, and lived among the wild. Their creation was for different purposes; Gilgamesh is to be a great king, while Enkidu is the one whose purpose is to defeat Gilgamesh, yet becomes Gilgamesh’s friend, comrade, and council. In addition, both can be considered protectors. As King Gilgamesh is required to protect his people and then for Enkidu he protects his family in the wild, being the protector because of attachment and emotions towards his clan. The qualities of being human is shown in the some of the chapters are love. The characteristic of love is shown in different forms: the mother and son bond, and the bond of brother hood. The similarities between Gilgamesh and Endkidu are the same characteristics that create their differences. (Davenport, 2008). Both are opposites that complement each other, one sophisticated arrogant citybred, the other a wild, spontaneous and carefree man id the woods and plains. Sensual because there is a lot of sharing: what one thinks, feels, aspirations, dreams, fantasies, fears and deep set hopes, the whys, neverthlesses ans therefore of everyday life belong to this sphere, and this is what we basically share with our best friends (Lishtar, 1999). The character and personality of Gilgamesh change from the beginning through the ending of the epic. The epic

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