Germany vs. America

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Comparison between Germany and America The world we are living in has many different countries. Each country has special values, norms, cultures and behaviors, but what are the differences between these countries. These countries or cultures have many differences but also many similarities. Two cultures that will be discussed in the following will be Germany and America. In the following will be many differences these cultures have in everyday life, and the things that they have in common. First of all some general things about Germany and the United States. Germany is a country in Europe and the United States is in North-America. Germany is 28 times smaller than the United States. The first points which will be discussed are the differences between Germany and the United States. Because of the general things (shown above), there are many things that differ in these countries. The main point which differs between these countries is that Germany is 28 times smaller than the US. By taking a closer look you will see that some American states are bigger than Germany itself, for example Alaska and Texas. The United States has many big cities like New York City, Miami, Dallas, Seattle, Los Angeles and Chicago. Each of these cities is bigger than Berlin, which is the biggest city in Germany. Germany instead has many small villages with a population of about00 3,000-6,000 people, furthermore a large part of the Germans live in villages in which the population is smaller than 1,000. These villages are less than five kilometers apart which makes it easier to interact with people from other villages. It is like a big network of many small villages which is in contrast to the US completely the opposite. In the US there are many big cities. Of course living in a big city has many benefits like having stores, shops and restaurants that are not far away from home, but if you

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