Geotropsim Essay

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Extended Experimental Investigation Research Question: Does gravity have an effect on the direction of a plants stem and root growth? Aim: To determine the effect of positive and negative geotropism on the root and stem of a germinating bean seed. Theory Review: The response of plants towards and away from environmental stimuli is called tropism. A tropism is a directional movement response which indicates the growth or turning movement of plants. Plants commonly exist in a state of anisotropic growth, where roots grow downwards and shoots grow upwards. This growth will continue when a plant is turned in any direction as plants within the Earth’s atmosphere will have its roots growing towards gravity and stems away. This comes from the nature of a plant and its response to gravity. Plant roots grow downward for two reasons. Firstly, they are positively hydrotropic, meaning they tend to grow toward water. They are also positively geotropic, meaning they grow towards the direction of gravity. This gravitational response is known as geotropism. Geotropism comes in two forms; negative and positive. Negative geotropism is the tendency of plant stems and other parts to grow upward away from the gravitational pull, whereas positive geotropism is the tendency of plant roots to grow downward toward the earth’s gravitational field. In this experiment, the roots are responding only geotropically. This is because the water is evenly distributed throughout. Hypothesis: It is predicted that the roots of the germinating bean seed grows towards gravity whereas the stems grow away from gravity. Justification: This is hypothesised due to negative and positive geotropism. Materials: - 6 x petri dishes - 6 x filter paper pieces - 12 x pre-soaked germinating bean seeds - Cotton wool - Plasticine - Spray bottle with water - Sticky

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