Gene-Environment Interaction Influence on Personality

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Gene-environment interaction influence on personality Gene-environment interaction influences personality because an individual’s genes and the environment that a person is in makes up the traits and personality of a person. “A term used to indicate that an effect is due to a mixture of environmental factors (nurture) and genetic factors (nature). Most traits show gene-environment interactions, such as myopia, IQ test results, skin colour etc. Blood type and iris color are predominantly genetically transmitted, whereas language is predominantly environmental” ("Gene-environment interaction," n.d.). Individual’s personality and traits are determined by the gene-environment interaction. “A second type of gene-environment interplay is epigenetic programming, in which environmental effects on an outcome such as health or behavior are mediated through altered gene expression or even altered chromosomal structure” (Moffitt, 2006, pp. 5-6). Although much of an individual’s personality does come from genes those genes are influenced or triggered by environment. Children who are malnourished are more likely to be anti-social and commit violent crimes than children who are nourished. (Moffitt, 2006). “Research guided by diathesis-stress and resilience theories shows that individual variation in response to environmental hazards is associated with preexisting individual differences in temperament, personality, cognition, and psychophysiology, all of which are known to be under genetic influence” (Moffitt, 2006, p. 7). Culture’s factor in personality expression Culture effects personality in a variety of ways. Behaviors tend to be culturally patterned with childhood experiences influencing personality as an adult and socialization throughout childhood and adulthood shape personality patterns. “It shapes a person’s emotions, thoughts, behaviors, cultural values and

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