Gender Roles In The 21St Century

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Gender in the 21st Century What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century? Throughout time, the classic definition of men’s role in society has always been the same, that they are the sole providers and protectors of a family. It is not until recently that that definition is changing. How is it changing? What is the cause of this change in the definition of masculinity? Is this change for the better? Why are men choosing to stay at home with the children? These are just a few of the very interesting questions that need answering in order to explain this dramatic change in social structure here in the 21st century. As previously mentioned, the traditional definition of manliness meant that men would be the sole providers and protectors of a family and it has been this way for many years. It is not until recently that this core concept has taken a dramatic overhaul and has basically been flipped upside down. What do I mean by this? What I mean is that the roles for both men and women are changing in such a way in that they are in effect changing places. Women are starting to earn the same amount as many men in several metropolitan areas. This fact that women are starting to earn a lot more money than they used to has had a ripple effect on many other areas. For example, women are now waiting longer to get married because they are choosing their career over getting married and having children. This is directly related to the fact that women no longer need a man in their life to support them financially. They are able to do this by themselves now. Women can now also choose to be more selective about who their spouse is going to be. Again, this being related to the fact that women are able to earn just as much, if not, more than men now a days. What is the cause of this change? The fact that women are starting to earn more than men does not just happen over the
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