Gender Inequality Essay

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Gender Inequality The definition of Gender Inequality: The differential success of men and women in gaining access to valued rewards. this tend to stem from structural arrangements, interpersonal discrimination, and cultural beliefs. 1. Education * Today, there is more focus in schools on * Female achievement * Girl’s sports * More involvement in school politics * Gender gap in higher education and in certain disciplines is narrowing but still persists today. higher education in Canada has been available to women since the 1860s. * Research results on sexism in schools shows that generally, * Teachers pay less attention to girls than boys * Girls lag behind in math and science scores * Girls tend not to choose careers in math and science * Textbooks and gender stereotypes still persist * Minority girls tend to be ignored Gendered benefits of education Social benefits of education are especially beneficial to women, racial minority groups, and poor people . There is compelling evidence that the education of girls and women improve both individual and national well-being. Girls who go to school grow up into women who earn a living. Education is a fundamental building block in the fight against poverty. Educated girls often wait longer to get married or have kids, and when they do have kids, they usually choose to have fewer than women with no education. They are also less likely to acquire HIV than girls with no schooling. Children of educated mothers are twice as likely to go to school as those raised by mothers with no education. They are also 40% less likely to die in childhood. Education in the developing countries Women have limited access to Education. In many area of Afghanistan, girls are
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