Gender Equality the Indispensible Tool for Human Development

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|Running Head: GENDER EQUALITY; THE INDISPENSABLE TOOL | | | |Gender Equality; | |The Indispensable Tool for Human Development | |Kathie Gillet | |Regis University | |January 2010 | The Significance of Gender Equality The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has emphasized the importance of gender equality by its inclusion as one of the Millennium Development Goals. UNFPA highlights the importance of gender equality as key to accomplishing the other goals. Empowering women's contributions to the health and productivity of families and communities is, "an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty" ( Gender- based violence, reproductive inequities, economic discrimination and traditional practices that prevent women from experiencing basic human rights result in women experiencing higher levels of poverty and unemployment than men. "In most industrialized societies, although gender-based violence is officially condemned, it persists, implicitly sanctioned by

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