Gender Discrimination In The Workplace

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Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Gender discrimination basically means how certain people are treated differently in their place of employment. If you have been rejected for employment, fired, or treated unfairly in employment because of your sex, then you have suffered from gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is illegal. Here is some examples gender discrimination that face women on a daily basis. (Unknown, 1995-1999) When it comes to hiring, firing or promotions, a woman may have experience and excellent qualifications, but she is not hired because the man that is doing the hiring feels more comfortable dealing with another men. It could also be, for instance, a woman is told that she is being laid off due to company needing to cutback and do some reorganization, while the men in the same job and with less seniority gets to keep their jobs. These examples are very illegal and can be dealt with though the proper channels of the law. (Tobias, 2006) Gender Discrimination affects employees because it degrades an employees work performance. If someone is discriminated against and they know that they can’t say anything because they really need that job, than they just take all they their employer has to give. It makes them unhappy, un-social able, and just plain mad at the world. On the other hand, marital status discrimination can also exist. For example, if you are a married woman and are rejected for a position involving frequent overnight trips with male coworkers because it is assumed your husband would be jealous, and the position is offered to a married man It is illegal for your employer to make assumptions based on gender stereotypes, even if those assumptions are motivated in part by your marital status.
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