Gattaca Presents a World Destroyed by the Pursuit of Perfection. Do You Agree?

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Gattaca presents a flaw full world in which the remorseless adventure for perfection has lead civilisation on the verge of destruction. The view of the future shows civilisation the absence of love and affection. The mindset of the characters ‘win no matter what price it comes at’ for those that are apart of Gattaca forces everyone else to want to be the superior race and want to do anything to succeed, even if that means to anguish others. The pursuit of excellence leads characters to lose touch with their own Identity, prepared to do what ever is thrown at them to enter the society of Gattaca. There are also brief sightings of hope through out the film through Vincent's heroics. The world of Gattaca ultimately deflates peoples craving to be what is known as ‘perfect’. The film ‘Gattaca’ is world absent of love and affection, the only signs of this is through the love to be superior. The minimal amount of love and affection is shown through out various scenes of the film. The relationship between Vincent and Anton, the two individuals are also brothers, yet the relationship they share is nothing but a loveless quest to better one another, a cold hearted competition to prove to each other who is the superior or genetically perfect human being. The last swimming competition is a perfect example for the lack of brotherly love for one another. The scene is depicted by the determination and rivalry towards each other, and that are preparing to swim to death if that meant they would be the dominant or perfect human being. Anton reveals to the targeted audience a vicious act when he quoted ‘come on you coward’ to his brother. Through this quote Niccols highlights the lack of respect and compassion in this scene through the colour yellow which symbolises the lack of enthusiasm and emotion in the world of ‘Gattaca’. In the film ‘Gattaca” the loss of identity is a major

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