Gagne's Learning Theories

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Learning theory of Gagné INTRODUCTION Robert Gagné, American psychologist, was born in 1916, studied at Yale, and received his doctorate at Brown University in 1940. He has excelled as a professor at the universities of Princeton, Berkeley, and Florida State. He has published articles and books related to the area of learning. Among them are: • Theories of learning (1970) • Basic principles of learning to teach (1976). • Principles for planning the teaching (1976). Gagné's position is based on an information processing model, which derives from the position semicognitiva tolmaniana line expressed by Bush and Mosteller. This theory is known for its eclectic line also has been considered the only truly systematic (Kopstein, 1966). In this theory we find a merger between behaviorism and cognitivism. You may also notice an attempt to link concepts Piaget and Bandura's social learning. Lastly, the sum of these ideas makes the theory developed in this work, is called "eclectic". OVERVIEW OF POSITION GAGNÉ There are four specific divisions Gagné approach. • Includes learning processes, how to learn the subject and the basis for the construction of the theory. • Analyze the learning outcomes, which in turn are divided into six: 1. Set basic forms of learning Two. Intellectual skills Three. Verbal information April. Cognitive Strategies May. Motor strategies June. Attitudes • Terms of learning, what is to be built for the facilitation of learning. This includes learning events, consistent with the model of processing information presented here. • Application of this theory to curriculum design, which includes two parts: analysis of behavior expected final and instructional design LEARNING PROCESS In light of this theory, learning is defined as a change in capacitance or human disposition, relatively durable and can not be explained further

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