G. Kelly Essay

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1. Samara is demonstrating moving-toward characteristics. She has an obvious need to be loved and find constant approval through others to make her feel self-worthy. She is compliant and often has no opinion to argue against her boyfriends’ points. Samara is “always around for her current boyfriend” because her mindset is that if she is there for him, he will always be there to protect and guide her in return. Samara is easily controlled, lacks self-esteem and is obsessed with seeking love. 2. Samara demonstrates many of Horney’s ten neurotic needs. For example, she shows the constant need for love and approval. She always has a boyfriend and is persistent about marriage. Samara wants to feel desired and jumps from one relationship to the next. She is searching to be appreciated. She also shows the need for a partner to run her life. Samara is extremely compliant and does whatever her boyfriend at the time wants her to do. She is rarely alone and wants to be involved in every aspect of her boyfriend’s life. 3. According to Horney, the cause of Samara’s behavior sprouts from her childhood. Horney explains that children that have exposure basic evil as a child usually in turn experience some form of basic hostility. In Samara’s case, her parents at one time may have undermined her feeling of security as a child. She may have then become hostile towards them, but repressed her emotions in fear of losing the bond love between her and her parents. Her repressed feelings may have lead her to basic anxiety causing her neurosis later in life. She feels isolated and helpless in a world she views as harsh and uncaring. 4. Samara does not have an accurate self-image. She is striving to be desirable, accepted and protected by a partner, but she instead pushes everyone away. She uses her idealized self as an escape from her actual self. She continually acts in ways that she
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