Future Trends in Education

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Future Trends in Education The book “Einstein Never Used Flash Cards,” written by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PH. D., and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PH D., with Diane Eyer, PH. D., is an excellent book for parents, parents to be, and grandparents. The authors discuss the enormous pressure that parents feel to make sure their children are as smart as the “Jones” children. The authors address the current issue in education that is pushing for fast paced learning and the pressure put on parents to meet persistent expectations. The authors propose to parents and those in education to tackle this current crisis and aid children in becoming learners throughout their lives. Parents are told by the media and bombarded with commercials that toys will make their children more intellectual. A lot of the information presented by the media does contain research results but only a very small amount of scientific facts. Parents and teachers have been made to believing that the way to raise and teach their children is to push learning at a fast pace and the faster the better. There are many years of gathered scientific information that teach us that faster is not better. Regardless of this information the issue continues as parents and teachers push children to accomplish and produce in methods that are hostile to how kids are able to learn best [ (Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, 2003) ]. This book offers an alternative for teaching children such as, instead of buying into the hype and pressure of making sure that your child listens to Mozart, has all the flash cards available, and the latest “educational” toys, and most of all keeping up with the Jones, slow down and enjoy your child and let teaching be natural with basic with simple things parents have in their homes. One common statement made throughout the book is “Playing = Learning.” The authors of the book, “Einstein Never Used Flash
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