Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System

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Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System Lisa Anderson BSHS 471 June 05, 2012 David Elkins Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System Crisis intervention strategies methods used to support an individual’s for short-term that have experienced a crisis, emotional, physiological distress. The client may not be able to function normally, solve problems, or need help coping. The purpose of crisis intervention, overview of future challenges on the practices of crisis intervention and trends we may see in the future. The human service system has many challenges today meeting the clients’ needs. Caring for clients where a crisis has occurred, such as a personal loss, mental illness, substance abuse issue, or family diamante issues. One social worker cannot meet every client’s needs, referrals, community resources, and nonprofit agencies working together to combine service for the community’s needs. Manage a care system plan, and network with other agencies to define what is in the best interest for the client. Out-sourcing using community volunteers, trained professionals in the health industry, counselors, and therapist. Researching stats in journals of what has worked, keeping stats in a network seeing where the trends are. The human service caring for clients in crisis intervention needs have referrals to cut cost and use advocacy groups to push serious issues through legislature, for financial backing from independent companies or businesses, bring awareness to the community. Looking at these services from a criminal justice point of view, knowing some individuals’ should not be locked up, many needing mental, substance abuse, and homeless issues addressed. Need for more communication, networking with human service, legal, and public safety to organize a plan to address these issues together.

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