Functionalist and New Right Essay for Crime and Deviance

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Outline and assess the Structuralist view of crime. Structuralist views of crime and deviance suggest that crime is socially constructed. As it is focused on the nature of society as opposed to the individual, the functionalist and sub-cultural theories can be referred to when explaining crime and deviance. Structuralist theory is a macro theory; they view crime and deviance in a negative light, as it disrupts the harmony of working together in society. The key concern for Structuralist is to understand social behaviour by looking at the structures. They believe crime and deviance can only be explained by looking at the way society is organised, they also emphasis that crime is caused by society rather than the circumstance of the individual. In this essay I will refer to Structuralist view of crime and deviance. They Stress that society needs order, seeking to explain the social world with the reference to main structures, systems and intuitions. The consensus theory (agreement) also suggests that the structures in the system and institutions all are healthy to help function and maintain cohesion in society, binding individuals together for common good. According to Durkheim, crime is inevitable feature of social life. As individuals are composed to different influences and circumstances, therefore not everyone can be equally committed to the shared values and moral beliefs of society. Durkheim also believed that crimes were higher in industrial cities comparison to rural areas because of complexity of the modern world rapidly re-inventing itself, old traditions are lost and replaced by more modern ways of behaving and acting. This implies that geographical location, of where you live have an affect whether you’re likely to be a victim or participate in crime. The complexity of the modern world of technology/ new economy undermines the authority of
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