Function of the Monster's Embedded Narrative in Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'

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Why does Shelley include the monster's embedded narrative and what is its function? Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, takes on the form of an embedded narrative to address and also criticise issues of human society, raising questions about equality and justice. The 'V shaped' narrative is a basis to the novel, using 3 characters to develop our understand and also heighten our connection with the characters and their story. Shelley uses the monster's embedded narrative to create pathos and to emphasise the underlying themes throughout Frankenstein. The Monster's embedded narrative is central to the novel, generating sympathy for his character as he explains the struggle he has had to withstand without a mother or father figure. Shelley uses the voice of the Monster to convey the despair he feels, 'I was a poor, helpless, miserable wretch', the tripling of lexis brings emphasis and desperation to what he communicates. The word 'wretch' is linked with the Monster all throughout the novel by Victor, therefore when the Monster calls himself a 'wretch' the sympathy we feel for him increases as he is beginning to agree with the resentful views of his creator. The monster gains a philosophical outlook on life, as he begins questioning his role on the earth with doubtful thoughts, 'Who was I? What was I?', the confusion he presents to us as the readers causes us to feel for him. His abandonment from Victor and uncertainty to where his life is leading, presents how torturous and harsh his life has been as he is not educated on conventions of society and how to live. The Monster is essentially forced to take responsibility of his creator's actions as he failed to make a 'beautiful creature', However instead of taking responsibility the Monster decides that he needs to gain revenge due to Frankenstein's selfish attitude. The Monster compares himself to Satan, 'I

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