Full Body Scanners

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Full Body Scanners at Airports The events of September 11, 2001 affected everyone around the world, especially people living in the United States. The outcome of these actions led to heightened security in many places in the United States, most importantly at airports all around the world. As a result of heightened security, the act of installing full body scanners at airports was taken. A full body scanner is a millimeter wave scanner that creates a three-dimensional image in which clothing becomes translucent and allows screeners to analyze the body for any kind of potential threats. This allows screeners to view an outline of genitalia and bodily contours. Some people agree that this is a great idea because it is an extra step towards better security for events like September 11 never to occur again. There are others as well that have a different point of view on the same topic. I do not believe full body scanners should be allowed at airports anywhere around the world. Did anyone think of privacy, extensive lines, and how well these scanners actually work? For every country terrorism is the worst fear imaginable. Security is always being improved and altered everywhere around the world in order to keep harmful items such as weapons and explosives from getting onto passenger airplanes jeopardizing everyone’s lives. This brings up a point in the invasion of privacy. I believe everyone has their own privacy boundaries that cannot be crossed. The government shouldn’t be allowed to inspect a person’s body using full body scanners. In my opinion it is equal to pornography and a peepshow for the security industry. This tactic will capture and save naked photographs of millions of American travelers in the data systems of full body scanners. Free pornographic tickets anyone??? Waiting in extensive lines at the airport is already a hassle with flight delays
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