Fst4 Task1 Communication & Families

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Schools and Society: Communication with Families 1 I believe the teacher staying late at least once a week shows an understanding to parents, not everyone works the same shifts or can be available while their children are at school. Having a handout for parents to look over was very insightful of the teacher. It will most likely cover all or most of the information given at this meeting and gives parents a chance to follow along with their handout. Also, they can take the handout home with them, giving them more time to come up with any questions that they may have regarding the material. It was sensitive of the teacher to consider any language barrier by having translators present at this speech. By staying after school until 8pm the teacher is giving an opportunity to all of her students and parents to have a chance to come by personally after work to have a meeting. If the teacher cannot make herself available to her students parents she is less likely to be affective. By giving out handouts it can act as an icebreaker for some parents, as well as, more importantly continue to help parents feel more directly involved with their childs education. I believe the affect a translator has on parents is obvious, for parents of students who are learning English themselves it is paramount to any real communication. To the parents who are English speaking already, I believe it would help build some good will by showing the level of preparation and sensitivity of the teacher has towards any language differences. “Language differences may cut parents off from important information and prevent them from sharing their own knowledge with the professionals who are involved with the family.” (Mendoza, 2003). Schools and Society: Communication with Families
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