Fst4 - Fot Pce: Schools & Society Task 1

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In the Back-to-School Night speech given, there are several instances when the teacher shows sensitivity to the parents of students in the classroom. First, she shows sensitivity by having translators present during the speech. Second, by writing and handing out a document that explains her grading policy, classroom rules, et cetera, she ensures that the parents will have the document support what they are learning about the classroom at Back-to-School Night. Third, she shows sensitivity by giving more than one way of contacting her should parents have questions. Having the translators present is important because many parents are English language learners. Families that speak a language other than English may suffer from being cut “off from important information” (Mendoza, 2003, p. 1). By giving the speech with translators present, she is making sure that everyone present will be able to understand the language of the speech she is giving and receive answers to questions they ask. The handout that she gives is an important example of sensitivity as it gives the parents a hard copy of important classroom information. Having a handout with this information could be an important tool for the parents to utilize all year long. Also, by understanding that everyone has different schedules and trying to be available for meetings in the evenings at least once a week, she is showing sensitivity to those parents that can make the time and get to the school for evening meetings. By giving step-by-step directions to access her via email, those parents with access to a computer will benefit by being able to contact her that way as well. The teacher is showing insensitivity to the parents of children in her classroom in a couple of ways. First, by using the term “disclosure document”, she makes the assumption that the parents to whom she is speaking will understand
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