Fst Teacher Reaction

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The teacher demonstrated sensitivity to the parent s through her speech in the following ways: · The teacher brought in translators to help the non-English speaking parents understand. · The teacher stays at school late one evening a week to accommodate parents that cannot get away in the daytime. · The teacher can be reached in a variety of ways. These instances of sensitivity to the parents should help open communication lines between the parents and teacher. The teacher has made his/herself open and accessible to the parent in a variety of ways. Utilizing a translator makes it possible for parents who may have a first language different from English to be able to understand the teacher. This shows the parent the teacher wants them to be involved and be able to communicate with the teacher. The teacher staying at school late one evening a week helps show the parent that the teacher is interested in making time to accommodate different schedules. Finally, the teacher has different ways for parents to reach them. Be it in an email, or a phone call. Email can be sent at the parent’s convenience and answered at teachers’ convenience, and if the teacher is not available to answer the phone, a message can be left. (Epstein, J. L. Westview Press, 2001) The teacher demonstrated insensitivity to the parents when they gave an overload of information for the parent to understand. A disclosure document which includes class rules, how the children will be graded, and other information. Also, the teacher stated “There is also a copy of the national standards for Social Studies, which will help you and your child prepare for the country reports they will be assigned later in the year.” This is insensitive to the parents who may not be able to understand such documents as the national standards. This could be due to their understanding of the English
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