Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthier Lifestyle

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Today's modern world has led to a major health problem for many people a poor diet. Today's fast-paced fast-food world is causing serious health problems such as an increase in cancer, diabetes,and obesity. One simple way to begin fighting this trend is to add more fresh fruit and vegetables to our daily diet. One of the benefits of fresh produce is that it adds fiber to our daily diet. Fiber has many benefits such as improving one's regularity, alleviating unnecessary discomfort in our lives. Adding fiber has also been shown to help people control their weight. As well, research shows that adding fiber to one's diet may help reduce the risks of certain types of cancer and diabetes that have escalating tremendously and affecting people of all ages. Another benefit of adding fresh fruits and vegetables to our diet is that they contain many of the essential minerals and vitamins that our body needs in order to fight off diseases and to maintain a healthy status. While you can accomplish the same thing with vitamins supplements, some experts say that the body is better at processing natural foods than artificial supplements. But it is also helpful to continue taking your vitamins to further increase your health liability. Finally, another reason for adding fresh produce to your daily diet is that it helps one to replace or cut down on unhealthy snacks that might otherwise be high in white sugar and saturated fats.Fruits and vegetables tend to be more satisfying than high carb snacks therefore reducing one's desire to reach for those unhealthy snacks too often. By reducing unhealthy snacks, this helps the body in regulating its sugar levels, thus helping to fight against diabetes. Also it helps decrease the chances of getting obese because you're allowing your body to get all the nutrients it needs instead of adding sugars, saturated fat, and etc to your body. In
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