From Hobbit to Hero : Frodo's Quest in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" as an Exemplary for Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth Theory:

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Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Literary and Cultural History II Literature and Travel Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Richard Nate From Hobbit to Hero : Frodo's Quest in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" as an Exemplary for Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth Theory: Studienfach: Englisch, Psychologie LA+ (7. Semester) Lehrveranstaltung: Literary and Cultural History II: Literature and Travel WS 2011/12 Juliane Nohl: Eichstätt, den 13.04.2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION JOSEPH CAMPBELL’S THEORY OF THE MONOMYTH Definition of the term 'Monomyth' Definition of the term 'Hero' The Phases of the Hero’s Journey FRODO’S HERO’S JOURNEY Departure The Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Supernatural Aid Crossing the First Threshold The Belly of the Whale Initiation The Road of Trials The Meeting with the Goddess The Woman as the Temptress Apotheosis The Ultimate Boon Return Refusal of the Return The Magic Flight/ Rescue from Without The Crossing of the Return Threshold Master of the Two Worlds Freedom to Live CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 INTRODUCTION Since its release in 1954/55 J.R.R. Tolkien’s monumental work "The Lord of the Rings" has not only fascinated young and old readers, but also had an impact on literary studies, as it became a subject for many articles, books and studies. The book tells the story of the final battle between good and evil in the fictional world of Middle Earth and of an unlikely hero: the Hobbit Frodo Baggins. With this epic novel, Tolkien has created what he called a "new myth for England"[1]. When he was a student of

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