Friday Prayer Essay

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Describe one significant practice from Friday Prayer Wudu is the Islamic practise performed before entering the mosque formal prayers. It involves washing parts of the body to purifying their sins. This is conducted in order to follow the Qu’ran which states “For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean”. Furthermore, Muslims are also taught from prophet Muhammad’s that “cleanliness is half of faith”. For the water to fulfil its purpose, it must be rain water, well water or spring water. Wudu contains four obligatory acts known as Fard. Other acts are also committed during wudu which are classed into three types. According to the sunni muslims one must: * Washing the face once. * Washing both the arms including the elbows once. * Performing masah of one fourth of the head. * Washing both the feet once up to and including the ankles. It's not sufficient for one to pass wet hand over the feet or shoes. Under certain conditions masah can be done over leather socks known as khuffs. According to The shai muslims one must: * Washing the face once. * Washing both the arms including the elbows once. * Wiping one fourth of the head. * Wiping both the feet once up to and including the ankles According to the sunnah: * Reciting bismillah. * Intention of performing wudu. * Washing both the hands up to the wrists. * Rinsing the inner mouth. * Sniffing water and blowing it out * Passing of wet fingers between the fingers of the hand and feet. * Passing of wet fingers into the beard. * Brushing the teeth, preferably with a miswak. * Wudu is done systematically. * Washing of each part one after the other without pause, so no part dries up before wudu is completed. * Washing each limb thrice * Performing wudu towards the
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