Free Trade And Protectionism

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Free Trade and Protectionism Heidi Dickinson Intro to Economics Online class Free Trade is the flow of goods between countries without restrictions or special taxes. It also always trade and transacts without the government interfering. Protectionism is the government’s use of embargoes, tariffs, quotas, and other restrictions to protect domestic producers from foreign competition. Contrast: Protectionism is where we would want to keep products and service here in our own country. Many people believe in that we should keep our products and services here so that we can support our own economy. By having protectionism things could change for the economy as well, but not always in a good way. By keeping things here and not have other countries to trade with, the price of products may go up because people are less likely to work for a lower wage. Our economy could suffer more because people may not be able to pay for the products they need. It can cost more to make that product and then we need to charge more for it as well. Free Trade allows us to have an open relationship with other countries to get the items we need to make products. Having free trade can cause its own problems as well, like losing our jobs to other countries because they can produce it for a cheaper cost. People in our country live a different life than other countries. By that I mean our government doesn’t control us as much as others. In that aspect we are lucky. By outsourcing our jobs to other countries it will hurt our economy, because people can’t find jobs as easily. Free trade should also be fair trade as well. How can we compete with other countries who pay their workers less and they worker longer days than we do. Protectionism may not be the right answer but then again is free trade? Compare: When you compare the two together the outcome is almost the
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