Frankie And Alice Review

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Frankie and Alice is a movie released in 2011 directed by Geoffrey Sax that stars Halle Berry. Halle plays a woman named Frankie Murdoch who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). This isn’t the first time a movie has been based on someone with DID. There is even a book about DID by the name of Sybil which was released in 1973 written by Flora Rheta Schreiber. In this film Frankie only has three personalities however. The three consists of Frankie who is a fun and outgoing, Alice who is a rich white racist from the south, and the final one is an 8 year old genius. Frankie was born and raised in Georgia in the late 1950s. She was the daughter of a housemaid whom worked for a very wealthy white family. As a child she would work alongside her mother as a maid. When Frankie grows up she moves to Los Angeles and works for at a go-go club as an exotic dancer. In the film, Frankie also suffers from amnesia. On numerous occasions she forgets who she is with and what they are doing together. Frankie passes out in the middle of the street one night and is taking to a hospital. Frankie was considered a drug addict so she was released back onto the streets. Eventually Frankie gets in contact with Dr. Osbourne and convinces him to help her with her disorder. After Frankie checks into a mental hospital, where she is under the care of Dr. Osbourne he discovers her MPD. He finds out while Frankie is a black exotic dancer with an average IQ on the other hand Alice has an above average IQ and firm belief she is white. The 8 year old is however labeled a “Genius” with the IQ of 152. There were plenty of strengths in this movie. The story was based on true events, it was well written, good actors, and contained characters you really felt. The biggest strength in my opinion is the plot. Frankie and Alice are similar to the movie

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