Four Management Functions

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Four Functions of Management in a Grocery Store Every business, large or small, has put into practice its own management concepts in order to run smoothly and to accomplish the goals that it has set. There are four basic functions of management that will help handle the operational decisions and problem solving for every business. These four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Grocery store managers are responsible for the how efficient and profitable the business will be. A grocery store manager is responsible for setting store policy, developing merchandising plans, and hiring and training of employees. The manager is also responsible for maintaining good customer and community relations as well as handling customer complaints. With all of this in mind, a store manager is also responsible for the store’s profits and losses. This is where the four functions of management must be put into place. Now let’s take a look at what each function is and how it is used in the grocery store setting in order for the organization to run as efficiently as possible and accomplish the goals of the company. The first function of management is planning. Planning is the foundation of all the functions of management. It is the basis on which the other three functions must be built. Planning is the simple practice of establishing goals, policies and procedures and the process of carrying out those policies. “Planning is like pulling the five fingers of your hand into a fist and directing it toward what you want to achieve, your goals or aims.” (Borrow 15). Planning can determine how effective and profitable a business can become. Managers often tend to delay the planning process which could cause them problems. Planning is the process of looking at where a company is now and where it would like to be in the future.
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