Four Central Concepts of Nursing

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The four concepts of nursing are very important; when these concepts are met the patient’s health will improve at a more efficient rate. The four concepts include, the person, the health of that person, the environment they are in, and the nursing carried out to treat them. These concepts are all related and must be looked at together to help the patient as much as possible.
The first concept of nursing is the person, or patient. I believe in this concept the patients should be considered in terms of their social, physiological, psychological, and cultural selves. Patients should be looked at in terms of their individual place in the world as well as their relationships to their community, family, and society as a whole. They should be viewed in terms of their individual needs. The fourth concept, nursing, should be applied to meet all of these needs. This person is unique and autonomous, and should be treated as such.
The second concept, Health, should be looking at an individual's mental, physical, and social well-being. I believe health is determined by environmental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle factors, and external factors, such as bacteria and pathogens. All these factors determine at what point they are at on the health spectrum. A person’s health could be changed by the environment or how comfortable that patient is in their current surroundings, therefore for a patient’s health to improve they need a stable and productive environment, and must be happy as a patient.
The third concept, environment, to me includes all the internal and external factors that act on human beings and affect their behavior and development. The idea behind this concept is that the environment influences individual and collective health and that individuals who experience a positive, comfortable nursing environment are more likely to demonstrate good health versus those
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