Formal Education and Non-Formal Education

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There are three forms of education systems: formal, informal and non-formal. In formal system of education, the hierarchy is structured in a chronological order beginning from primary school to university and additional general academic studies. The studies are based on training the student for their future career professionals. Then again, informal education entails the lifelong progression where every person acquires values, skills as well as knowledge from day-to-day experience and educative effects and resources in the immediate environment. On the other hand, non-formal education is any organized educational activities outside the conventional formal system. The way the formal education is set does not take into consideration of the student’s standards, beliefs and attitudes that are pertinent to the education organization where there is no assessment or testing at the point of student acceptance and for efficiency and efficacy. The same methodology is adopted whether the world has tens of thousands or hundred students. For instance, physics is divided into theory and laboratory (practical), but much time is taken in theory than practical, which disregards the system. In general, the formal type of education system fails to improve the personal growth of students by imparting them with so much theory, which ends up being useless. The implication here is that students come to schools to learn and pass tests instead of gaining the basic morals of life. As noted, the formal system of education contains well defined structures. When these structures are missing, this type of education system is taken to be non-formal education. Then again, an education system gains the non-formal education features when the system does not necessitate student attendance, lack of an institution and lack of contract between the teacher and student. Most of the learning in
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