Forgotten Group Member

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CASE 7: The Forgotten Group Member Part 1 Group Development Forming Stage: This is the preliminary entrance of members into the group. At this stage the members of the group get to know each other. They ask questions about what are the goals of the group? What are the guiding rules in this group? Members also want to know what the parameters of measuring good conduct are. Storming Stage: The storming stage is the emotional and anxiety stage among the group members. At this stage they are hostile and internal strife may occur within the team. The team members go through challenges which results in changes positive or negative. It is during this stage that external activities obstruct their plans to of team goals. It’s during the storming stage they dig up to understand the diverse mannerisms; communication styles and also make efforts to attain team goals even while all other personal desires are met. Norming Stage: This is the initial integration when the team members start to work mutually as a team. At this stage the group is at the normal stage which can be described as normal. The team comes together as a well coordinated group with a meeting point to achieve team goal by working in unison as a team. At the norming stage members endeavor to maintain that harmony. Performing Stage: At the performing stage members are more involved and are eager to be involved with each other. At this stage they are well organized, coordinated, operating under a stable structure which motivates the team goals which in general are attainable. Adjourning Stage: The adjourning stage after which they have accomplished a well coordinated team the members are able to dissolve. Based on the case study they are at the storm stage. The stage in which they are emotional, anxious and in which external activities are obstructing their team plans. At the storm stage
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