Foreign Languages Start in Kindergarten

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Adopted in the 1960s, the foreign language program was introduced to students in kindergarten, controversy made the program disappear by the 1980s. Recently, the idea has resurfaced and the numbers of programs have been increasing. Studies show many reasons why the program should be incorporated into the curriculum such as, the benefits of learning another language, the development of a global attitude, improvement of skills and proficiency in their later years of life. But others question if all these are benefits worth the budgeting. Why start at such a young age? the answer is simple; the brain develops 90% of its knowledge within the first ten years of life. [ (Curtain) ] Therefore, children tend to absorb foreign languages more easily than older students and adults. Why is foreign language so important? According to Helena Curtain’s article, Foreign Language Learning: An Early Start, the basic ration for beginning foreign language study in elementary starts the longer sequence of instruction and achievement of proficiency. The time devoted to learning a new language and the language proficiency that students attain has a direct correlation, showed by studies. Because the level of proficiency plays a role in the achievement of positive benefits from knowledge of a foreign language, the economic, political, social, and intellectual benefits of foreign language proficiency are gained when students achieve advanced levels of language skill and cultural understanding. [ (Curtain) ] In 1983, the National Commission on Excellence in Education states that “achieving proficiency in a foreign language takes from four to six years” and suggests that such study should begin in the elementary school. [ (Curtain) ] Another educational point made in both Curtain’s article and Foreign language study important in elementary school by Cheryl V. Walker is the
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