For One More Day by Mitch Albom- Book Club Questions

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Book Club for Quarter 2 For One More Day By Mitch Albom 1. Charles “Chick” Benetto was the main character of the novel. He was a broken-down former baseball player who lost his way in life, became depressed, and became an alcoholic. Catherine, his wife and his daughter Maria became distant with him when he started his alcohol problem. His daughter didn’t invite him to her wedding because she didn’t want him to embarrass her. Chick was a salesman but he hated his job and his life, he was a miserable person. He tried to commit suicide but failed. 2. The book would have a chapter and then at the end of each chapter there was a letter from his mom or someone else but most of his letters were from his mom. Also at the beginning of most chapters he would write about all the different times in his life when he didn’t stand up for his mother. The format of this novel made it more fun to read and overall made the book better. 3. The unusual thing about the narrarator is that he actually felt that he got to have one last day with his mother after 8 years of her being dead, and he believed that she was a ghost. 4. This story is told in Charles point of View. He told us about his life and everything that has happening in it but he mostly just pointed out the negative things. 5. Posey is Charles mom. She was a brave, strong, loving, and beautiful person and was well liked. Many people saw her as a threat after the divorce because she was so beautiful. Posey cared about her children more than anything, she went from being a nurse to a hairdresser, and then she started to clean houses with her former house cleaner. She was an amazing mother to her children. Maria, her granddaughter found her dead on her floor due to a heart attack. 6. The story began by telling us about Chick and how he tried to kill himself because he was so miserable and felt like no one cared about him

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