Food And Lifestyle Determine Our Quality Of Life.

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Food and lifestyle determine our quality of life. Do you agree? Did you ever heard the song entitle “I have a dream” by Westlife? If you heard this song before, you should know that every single person across the globe have their dream to have a magnificent life. To realize the dream, there are two elements that must be stressed here. The two elements that will be a catalyst for our life become full of quality are food and lifestyle. First of all, the healthy lifestyle will determine our quality of life. Healthy lifestyle here can be defined as the way we practicing life without harming element to body. For example, we should avoid taking of drugs. This is because taking of drugs for no purpose will kill all your capillaries system, imbalance rate of metabolism and cancer. We also should avoid drinking too much of alcohol. Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a lot of depressant effects. The effects of alcohol are reduces sensitivity to pain, affects vision in the following ways: narrows the visual field, reduces resistance to glare, interferes with the ability to differentiate intensities of light, and lessens sensitivity to colors and linked to several medical conditions; including gastro intestinal problems, malnutrition, high blood pressure, and lower resistance to disease. We should avoid those things to make our life healthier as we can enjoy our life if we are in hale and hearty. When we enjoy the life, we will get the quality of life. Active and sporty lifestyle also will determine the quality of life. Active and sporty lifestyle in a simple form can be delineated as we practice exercises and make something for our body to be always in a pink. For example, we should practicing exercises at least seven hours a week to keep our body stay in fit and in good physical shape. There are many exercises that can be done by us for examples are jogging and

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