Flexitime Essay

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Flexitime Flexitime is mostly used for officebased staff below managerial level in the public sector and in private sector service organisations. Manufacturing companies are less likely to operate flexitime. What are the advantages and disadvantages? For employers, flexitime can aid the recruitment and retention of staff. Flexitime can also improve the provision of equal opportunities to staff unable to work standard hours. On the debit side, flexitime can result in increased administration costs. These may include the costs of keeping records, and extra heating and lighting. Providing adequate supervision throughout the bandwidth may also be difficult Job sharing is a form of part-time working where two (or occasionally more) people share the responsibility for a full-time job. They share the pay and benefits in proportion to the hours each works. Job sharers may work split days, split weeks, or alternate weeks. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Job sharing can increase flexibility when used to meet peak demand, for instance by both sharers being present when workloads are heavy. However, the employees must agree any changes to the contracted hours. If one partner is absent, due to illness or holiday, the other partner can carry on with at least half the work. Two people can also bring a wider range of skills, experience, views and ideas to the post. Job sharing is particularly useful for carers or parents of young children and can make it easier for women to return to work after maternity leave. Homeworking Homeworking is when employees do their job from home, either occasionally or as a permanent working arrangement. It requires a working relationship that is based upon trust and encourages employees to manage their own work. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Advances in technology make it far simpler to keep in
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