Five Things I Love About El Paso

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Five Things I Like About El Paso El Paso is known for a lot but to me there are only five things that I honestly like about El Paso one would be food and the others would be culture people safety and the devotion of its locals to make El Paso a better place I've grown to like these things because Of my time spent in El Paso I've watched and observed many different things which have brought me to the conclusion that these are the five main reasons why I like this city. There could be many different other reasons to like this city from other people but to me these are the only five The first thing I like about El Paso and for good reasons is food not just because I love food but because of the local restaurants that have defined a taste for El Paso one of these restaurants is known as Chico's tacos a small little taco joint that can be found in only three places throughout El Paso outside of the city these restaurants don't exist. Now one thing incredible about the food in El Paso is even though I've been to different parts of the country and tasted different foods no food has ever made me feel at home more than the culinary arts that you would find in El Paso. Another reason why I chose food is my number one topic is because I think observed how new aspiring restaurants such as pizza joint sparrow's pizza fat bun and even Frisco Burger have come to the top of the food chain making El Paso a great place to dine especially when you have a big appetite I've always admired how locals can try so hard to make the taste of El Paso even greater. My number two would be culture because of the extremely heavy Mexican influence that pours into El Paso. You also have a big clash of Mexican and American ways of life Where Mexicans are introduced to foods like meat loaf and burgers and Americans are introduced to foods like flautas and tacos. Another reason I chose culture

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