Five People You Meet in Heaven

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In the book, The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, there were many themes stated throughout the book, but the main theme was that all stories are connect in some way. The way Eddie died had two stories behind it. The story of the new driver, whom had lost his key on one of the rides. The key was the reason that the cable to the ride was unraveled. The Blue Man said Eddie killed him. Eddie’s point of view of the story was that his ball went in the street and he ran after it, almost getting hit by a car. The Blue Man’s point of view was that he almost hit a little boy, which caused him to have a heart attack and die. The stories met up in the end. It was more like a cause and effect. The main character in, The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, is Eddie. He is a maintenance man at an amusement park. He feels guilty about not saving a figure he saw in a fire he created. The figure looked as if it were a child. He protects and looks over all children at the amusement. In war, he saw all things in a new way. After he came home, he figured as if everything was silly and pointless. He acted more of a wise guy. His feelings and thoughts created a totally different person with different actions. There were two big conflicts in, The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. One conflict is between Eddie and his father. Eddie’s father was a drunk and never showed any affection. When Eddie came home from the war, he was injured. His father yelled and tried to hit him, Eddie so happened to block it and never speak to his father again. Ruby, the third person Eddie meets in Heaven, teaches him to let go of anger and forgive his father. Another conflict is the conflict between Eddie and himself. Eddie didn’t want to end up like his father and work at the Ruby Pier. He came home and moved back into the apartment that he was raised in to take care of
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