Five Models of Organizational Behaviour

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Five Models of Organizational Behavior: These models are the most common models in use over the last 100 years. They are in order. Some of the oldest are still practiced. Models are possible explanations which explain how things work in an organization. Models are guides to understanding owners and management behavior in particular. Top managers can and do influence the whole organization. However, these models may be in use within a department or branch or in the whole organization. No model can explain everything. Managers choose models based on people, technology, environment and structure. Models can change over time depending on circumstances. 1 Autocratic Model This model came about during the industrial revolution, in the 1800’s and 1900’s. It depends on power The manager has the power to demand “you do this or else” – and an employee who does not follow orders is punished. The manager has formal, official, authority over employees. This model assumes that employees have to be directed and pushed into doing the work. In this model, management does the thinking, employees obey orders and depend on the manager. Employees are tightly controlled. The manager can hire, fire and “perspire” them. Employees may obey managers but employees may not respect management. Typically, employees receive minimum pay for minimum expected performance. Employees may have lower skills. Often, employees work in the authority model because they have to….to provide subsistence for themselves and their families. Its weakness is that it leads to “micro management” With micro management, managers control all details of daily operations. Managers control time and processes, they put their needs above those of employees, they insist on complicated approval processes for even the smallest things and closely monitor all results. The problem with the autocratic model and micro
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