Fitness for Life

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Fitness is not a luxury, it is a necessity. This is my personal belief on people’s health and well being. Our world is full of junk, and in this case, it is our food. We all have access to any type of meal we want at almost any time of day. Unfortunately an over whelming majority of our population decide to make unhealthy choices now more than ever before. With that being said, it’s not as if you should never eat fast-foods and sugary treats ever again, however if you do chose to go down that path, you must balance it with some physical exercise. The western world has been brainwashed by this faster, easier and lazier life style. People have become so lazy that we can even order food from the comfort of our own homes. On top of this, most of us don’t even realise how much damage we do to our body everyday just by the things we eat. Our world is over populated with many people suffering from high blood pressure and clogged arteries. The biggest suspect for this is sugars and salts, both of which are found in all our meats, fruits, snacks, wheat products and even in vegetables. A balanced diet would be great however; the average diet in North America usually consists of over salted meats, highly sugared sauces, lost of wheat products such as bread, beer etc. , a big can of soda and to top it all off, and a large sugary dessert. It may not be possible to change everyone’s die, however it is possible to tweak it and add some physical fitness to balance out. Fitness doesn’t necessarily mean playing a high impact sport or even joining a gym. It could be as simple as walking 30 minutes a day. Walking has much lower impact on your joints than say running or jumping activities. It also includes sweating, a natural process many people can’t stand. Walking would be a perfect activity to help balance your diet and even lose some weight. Fitness is more than just looking
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