Fish Farming Essay

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Nneka Robinson March 10, 2012 Fifth Hour Aquaculture Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is type of farming where in involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosed areas. Workers are able to make $20,000-$25,000 a year while the managers will be making around $45,000 a year. This career fits into the category of farming in college. These fish have two options. Option one it to be grown to be eating or option two, to be released into the wild. There are several requirements to becoming a fish farmer, one of these requirements is to have all the proper equipment needed for the fish. For example, you will be needing male and female fish, separated containers for the fry and the adults, fry are another name for baby fish, you will also need nets, feed, a natural environment for breeding, and water pumps that control the temperature and keep the water clean. You will also need several college degrees in chemistry, technology, biology and business management. You will also need to meet th requirements and regulations for a fish farm. For example, making sure that the technology is up to date and working so there is no accidents or harm to the fish. If one of these requirements is not met, there will be a server fine or shut down. There are also qualifications to being a fish farmer. To be a fish farmer you must have a love for the outdoors and water. Also, a knowledge for the type of fish being bred and a knowledge for working on equipment. There is simple things as well like you have to have good communication skills, able to work with others as a team. Also you must have a strong background in mathematics and computer skills as well as a study in aquatic animals. Fishing and boating are not required but it does help get the job just in case you will have to use these skills on the job. The working conditions are not harsh but do involve a lot of

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