Final Exam Cheating

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First is well, end is well. A student could cheat on final exam; he could not cheat with himself. Cheating with final exam does not likeable unless lot of student does cheat on final exam. Final test is the important for every student end of the semester. For instance, final exam is the test, which is helps a student makes a good grade. Many students cheat on their lives and test both. They are going to school taking test but they don’t what look like question, how could the answer. As a result, when those students see the different between their thought and question; they are not taking the test because of fail fair. But they do not realize what is cheat mean actually. Kant ethics says, whatever you have to do, you have done the duty before consequence. In a test your duty is to answer the questions with whatever you have learned, and the purpose is to show how much knowledge you have gained, without cheating. When someone cheats his action is not done out of his duty. The action is directed towards the consequences, which might be the fear of failing, afraid of being embarrassed, or it might also be to gain benefit easily without putting much effort on studying. If the intention of the individual performing the action is good then the action can be said to be good. The good intention is good without any qualification, according to Kant. The intention to cheat is not simply morally good. Someone cheats because of an exterior motive which might be the fear or the expectation of gain. For example, Duty is the necessity of action to be done out of respect for the law. Cheating is against the law of the school that says not to cheat in tests. Kant’s categorical imperative states that, you should act only according to the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. According to ethical egoism student who are cheating

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