Film Studies Typical Character Study

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How far are characters in the horror films we have studied typical for their genre? There are many characters in horror which follow the stereotypical genre but some more than others. Along with the changes in the genre itself its stereotypical aspects have developed including characters. A film reception can be controlled by the production and creative side. If a film have a great storyline and strong settings etc. but not very good characters the film wont be very effective and may less of a good reception also audiences have grown to recognise the typical characters within a horror meaning when a new horror is produced they expect it to include these characters in order for it to be good. Film makers consider certain character types and get influenced by other horror films that use these, meaning they develop through the years of horror. The film I will refer to most will be The Devil Rides Out. A typical horror film has the same group of characters who are visible throughout the film. The character which is most definitely expected and completes a horror film is an antagonist also known as the villain. This is typical for a horror as someone who scares, kills or commits crime etc. is normally the main focus of the storyline without an antagonist the film would not be classed as a horror as they are an important part with creating the element of fear and vulnerability. For example in Dracula, Count Dracula is the antagonist and In the Devil Rides Out its Mocata. These are only a couple of examples but shows that this type occurs in not just one. Going along with the antagonist is the complete opposite this being the protagonist also said to be the hero. This is the person who normally fights or attempts to kill the villain. The protagonist can help keep the story going and normally fails a number of times before succeeding. This character is another very

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